Saturday, June 11, 2005


It's true! The above site will make U.S.P.S. approved stamps from your photos. Of course they will cost a little more than your normal postage, but I think it is worth it. There are some things you can't use, namely brand names and nudity- which rules out most of you, but a picture of your kid on a stamp is also cool.

In other news...
*You may have noticed some slight changes in the look of this blog. I am slowly teaching HTML to myself and will apply it as I go.
*There are now videos available on the right side of this page. The music involved is listed by artist with each video title. The music is paid for and I am not making a profit off of it, but I'm still not sure of the legality. I figure it's free publicity for the artist- buy some CD's so they are cool with it.

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