Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Atticus is no longer accepting gifts this holiday season. Our tree will no longer provide ample coverage or protection to any more parcels regardless of size or content. As it is the rest of us are lucky to have staked out a piece of floor about a block from present pile adjacent #9B. We are still accepting gifts.

It's not that Atticus isn't deserving. He's about as good a boy as I could ever have hoped for. He is on the top of many lists for a reason. However, enough is enough. At this rate he will still be opening and playing with gifts come next Christmas. If you would really like to do something that Atticus will appreciate, then donate a toy to one of the numerous drives in your area. He loves to buy things for other kids. He's a giver that boy. Remember that this is the kid that said he had enough candy about an hour into our trick-or-treat excursion.

There are plenty of places to donate toys, coats and food for children this holiday season. There are even places to donate pet toys and food for hungry and cold animals. Don't you think that's a better use of your $4 than another latte? Plus, there aren't any shipping fees.

Atticus would do it.

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